
Recovery Haggada
The Four Cups Haggadah is a new Passover Haggadah full of spiritual insights for those in recovery. Rabbi Shais Taub, author of the Jewish recovery classic "G-d of Our Understanding" speaks with Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman about the background behind this new resource for the recovery community. #recovery #twelvesteps
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The Ami Letters Volume II
Appearing in the pages of Ami Magazine for over seven years, “Ask Rabbi Shais Taub” has gained a wide and dedicated following who return weekly seeking his astute guidance, clarity, inspiration, and deep faith. Rabbi Taub’s trademark style of answering the questioner and not just the question has been praised for its sharp ability to...
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The Ami Letters
Questions & Answers with Torah Hashkafa. Includes over 70 questions and answers covering real-life issues in the areas of Chinuch & Parenting, Shidduchim, Shalom Bayis, In-Laws, and Divorce & Remarriage.
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Mapping the Tanya: A new look at Tanya for experts and beginners
This 3-CD set is a three-hour recording of a presentation on the book of Tanya. It gives a "bird's eye view" of the entire structure and flow of the book. Presented by Rabbi Shais Taub.
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Feminine Faith
Feminine Faith traces the roots of the feminine within the supernal realms, and explores its relationship to women and how it translates into their aversion for unholy and ungodly worship. When the Jews served the golden calf during their sojourn in the wilderness, says the Midrash, the women refused to join them. Why are women...
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Map of Tanya Pamphlet
This map of the 53 chapters of the central work of Chabad Chassidus uses eye-catching devices, with color and symbols, to show chapter groupings by concept and the thread of basic ideas throughout Tanya.
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God of Our Understanding
God of Our Understanding is a frank and penetrating look at the underlying spiritual dynamics of addiction and its treatment through Twelve-Step programs. Rabbi Shais Taub, a world renown expert in Jewish mysticism as well as a mentor to many thousands of addicts, draws from his unique background to thoroughly address many of the concerns...
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