Category: Parsha

Shmos: Do You Know Your Name?

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What is the most important idea to know in Judaism?

The name of the second book of the Five Books of Moses is known as Shmos in Hebrew, meaning "names." How is "names" a fitting title for a book about how the Jewish people descended into and left Egypt?

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 6, p. 243.


Va'eira: How to Talk to Pharaoh

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Hashem told Moshe to deliver his messages to Pharaoh in Hebrew, a language that Pharaoh did not even understand. Why was this? And what surprising lesson can we learn from this about effective communication? How is this skill also useful in dealing with our own ego when it refuses to listen to reason?

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 16, pp. 73-75.


Bo: Group or Individual?

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Which takes precedence in Torah—the person or the group? Does Judaism promote an individualist society or a collectivist society?

For an understanding of the true nature of Jewish identity, we look at the first mitzvah performed by the Jewish people while still in Egypt, the Pesach offering.

Based on Michtav Klali Pesach 5739 reprinted in Likkutei Sichos vol. 17, pp. 435-439.


Beshalach: Making Bitter Waters Sweet

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How do you deal with people and situations that leave a bitter taste in your mouth?

Find out by analyzing a strange story that takes place in this week's Torah reading about the bitter waters at Marah.

Why does Midrash say that the waters became bitter only after the Jews arrived? Why did the waters in their canteens turn bitter, too? What does this teach us about dealing with negative people and situations?

Based on 15 Shvat 5720, Hisva'aduyos vol. 27 pp. 361-3.


Yisro: Wash Your Own Clothes

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Why does it say that the Jewish people were doing their laundry before the revelation at Sinai? And what does this teach us about the proper relationship between the shepherds of the Jewish people and their flock?

Based on Hayom Yom, 5 Sivan.


Mishpatim: Torah and Healing

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This week's portion is the source for the idea that we should seek medical treatment when in need of healing. But if Torah says we should go to doctors, why does the Talmud say: "the best of doctors are bound for purgatory? Clearly this does not mean what it seems to.

We need to also understand how healing actually works. Also, when should one listen to the doctor and when should one not listen?

Based on Toras Menachem vol. 16, pp. 100-101; Likkutei Sichos, vol. 36, p. 274; Toras Menachem, vol. 15, p. 16; Likkutei Sichos, vol. 31, pp. 264-267.


Terumah: The Effects of Giving

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Why is this name of this portion "Terumah" (lit. "donation") when the main point of the portion is what the donations were used for—namely the construction of the Sanctuary?

To understand this, we examine the unique transformational effect of giving.

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 21, pp. 146-155.


Tetzaveh: Mystery of the Menorah

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According to a sketch made by the Rambam, the decorative goblets on the Menorah were upside down. How can we understand this when the halacha is that all items in the Sanctuary need to be right side up? The answer requires us to turn some of our assumptions on their head.

Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 21, pp. 164-171.


Ki sisa: Secret of the Left-Handed Pitcher

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Why were the Ten Commandments given on two tablets? What does this teach us about the equal importance of the "do's" and the "dont's" of Judaism?

We look at the often overlooked importance of the things that we don't do, offering the great Jewish baseball player Sandy Koufax as a prime example.

Based on Hisva’aduyos 5751, vol. 2, pp. 353-354; Sichos Kodesh, Yom Simchas Torah 5733, pp. 81-83.


Vayakhel/ Pekudei: The Purpose of a Fire

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This week's Torah portion contains the prohibition against kindling a fire on Shabbos.

What does this teach us about the role of spiritual inspiration in Jewish life?

Based on Sicha of 22 Shvat, Sefer HaSichos 5749 vol. 1, pp. 225-237.


Vayikra: Selflessness & the Wood Offering

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What does it really mean to make a sacrifice? What is true selflessness?

In addition to the regular animal and flour offerings brought to the Holy Temple, people could also volunteer to donate wood to be used as fuel on the altar. These "wood offerings" give us insight into what selflessness really means.

Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 22, pp. 7-13.


Tzav: When "Bad" Is Better Than Good

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What does it mean to be truly alive? Based on one understanding of the laws of the thanksgiving offering, the greatest life is actually when life is challenged, disrupted, and threatened.

Based on Hisva'aduyos 5745 vol. 4, pp. 2520-2526.
