Fresh Start Podcast

Dr. Janina Fisher, PhD: "Healing Trauma and the Hope for Redemption"

Dr. Janina Fisher, PhD talks to Rabbi Shais Taub about topics including what it really means to identify the Jewish community as a "traumatized community;" how children's spirituality and faith are influenced by the kind of relationship they have with their parents; and healing from trauma as a personal and collective redemptive process.

Dr. Janina Fisher, PhD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Instructor at the Trauma Center, an outpatient clinic and research center founded by Bessel van der Kolk. Known for her expertise as both a therapist and consultant, she is also past president of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation, an EMDR International Association Credit Provider, a faculty member of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, and a former Instructor, Harvard Medical School.

For more information about the Fresh Start Retreat Center visit or call 888-373-7481.


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